September 1, 2008

Swim Lessons!

I never showed everyone Elly's very first swim lessons. It was a "Mommy and Me" class through the Visalia Rec Department and she absolutely loved it.

She "leaned" off the side to me each day. She learned how to blow bubbles, kick her feet, and float on her back...a little. The best part of the lesson (aside from her awesome swimsuit cover up given to her from Aunt Keri and brought from Greece) was that her best little friend, Eden, was in the class as well. There was one day when Eden couldn't make it and I tell you, Elly could not concentrate on much else. "Where's Eden?" "Eden coming?" "Bye bye, Eden".

She loved her teacher, Morgan, and mostly liked playing with all the pool toys that were available. She got a special treat on the last day of class when Daddy came to see her lesson (and to take all these fabulous pictures to document the event.) Next summer should be even more fun!

1 comment:

Brookel said...

you forgot to mention how excited elly got about lessons that she pooped almost everyday and evey time it was a surprise! :)