September 4, 2008

Provo, Baby!

We finally got into our apartment and had a ton of help in the process. A super special thank you goes out to my parents, my cousins: Suzanne, Karen, Carly, Chris and Geddy, and to our friend, Justin. Just think of this as your lovely hand-written thank you note; I'd love to send you all one, but let's face it, I'm terrible at sending hand-written thank you notes, although I'd like to be really really good at it. I'm sorry. But thank you- we couldn't have done it without you!

This is what our apartment looked like the day after we moved everything in:

The Bubbush liked it as long as she had her bagel and cream cheese. Don't worry, when things are more in order, we'll post more pictures of our new place.

One great thing about our new apartment is that it's in Utah, which is where most of my family lives. So, for a special treat we got to go to IKEA with my sister and her Lily last week.

Lily and Elly are just as far apart as Emma and Lily were. Keri dressed her girls alike and Elly has inherited Lily's end of those clothes. They love to match each other now and people think they're sisters. It's pretty adorable.


Rhonda said...

Glad you are happy in Provo! But we miss you guys so much! Provo is lucky to have you and it is so awesome that you get to be near family.

Anne said...

I catch up with you on your blog every once in a while. I hung out with Joni and Suzi a few nights ago, and we talked about high school...well actually, we mostly laughed about it. I told them how glad I was that I was a songleader. It gave me a chance to get to know all of you girls better. We, of course had dance co. and Kappa as well, but still, being on "the cheer squad" bonded the eight of us. What a great leader you were.