September 6, 2008

Me too.

I have totally been affected by the recent Nie Nie accident. I've been reading the Nie Nie Dialogues for about two years now. Shy Girl even had two giveaways there earlier this year. Here is what Stephanie gave to me each time I visited her blog:

-a new energy to do things I wanted to do anyway, like make more healthful meals for my family, enjoy my daughter a little more, and pamper myself sometimes

-creative new ideas to help make motherhood more like an adventure, like have a back-to-school feast, make an easter egg tree or organic art

-a reminder to live in the moment

-a new interest in loving my husband a little more publicly

-a reminder to take a break sometimes. (I really liked that picture of her kids locked outside. Is that weird? I just thought it was awesome that she would post that.)

Well, apparently, I am not the only one who reads her blog and not by a long shot. Stephanie and her husband were in an accident in a plane a few weeks ago and are in for months of recovery. The blogging world has completely banded together in their behalf holding online auctions on dozens and dozens of sites to help ease the financial burden of their recovery. I just read in the NY times that the total of these auctions might be around $100,000.

I'm completely enthralled with their story and keep up on it on Stephanie's sister's blog here.

It's pretty amazing. Donate here to help.

1 comment:

Adrianne said...

And me too! I check it first thing in the morning and I usually cry about something during the day whether it is the faith of the family or Nie's cute stories. Thanks for sharing some of the other posts I hadn't read.