September 1, 2008

The Road's Been Long....

It's been a long, long month for us and it seems like years ago that we were living in sunny little Visalia with a job at Centex and a great house in the orchards. Things have changed. We now live in rainy (today) Provo, Utah with no job (but to find a job after school) and a great little apartment with an amazing view of the mountains. We were super happy in Visalia, but we were needed elsewhere and our lives needed to move forward. We are thrilled that we were brought here to BYU and we know that it's going to be an incredible couple of years. Stay tuned, and be patient while I attempt to update you on the last month of our lives.


Brookel said...

i was hoping to see some updates since you were at your mom's. we miss you a lot and now that mike is up in sacramento all week i will miss you even more :(

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys so much. Whenever we get in the car Pres asks Where is Elly, & I say Utah, then she asks about everyone in Utah. We miss you all, thanks for the updates. XOXOXOX

Cyndy and George said...

I miss Lacy's incredible Relief Society lessons, her sweet smile and knowing you always have a friend when she is there!

I miss Brandon in Sunday morning missionary meetings. His organization and promptness in making sure the meeting ended on time. And I especially miss him cancelling the meeting occasionally!

But mostly I miss Elly. I miss her shy smile when you talk to her, her soft and quiet jibber when she is talking to her mommy and I especially miss her chunky little thighs under her darling Sunday dresses!

I am happy you have settled in to your new place and are back to blogging! Keep us updated. I look forward to your next visit to Visalia and seeing you in THIRD ward!

KK said...

Tim asked me tonight what you'd been doing with your days there in Provo. I guess the answer is blogging like there's no tomorrow...

Anna said...

She looks so sweet and adorable in this pic. We're happy you guys are back in Utah for a while. When you're settled ina little more call us and we'll get together!