February 4, 2008

Alright, Alright, I'll finally respond to my tags!

I've been tagged by several people to write a post about my husband. So, cheesy though it may be, here you go.

I love this picture of Brandon (even though the rest of us are in it). It was taken at a friend's house in Utah when Elly was 6 weeks old.

What’s his name? Brandon, El Guapo, Dada, Bandy, the Daddash.

How long have you been married? Almost 6 years, since May 2002

How long did you date?
We dated for 4 months before we got officially engaged, but we knew we were going to get married after only two of those months. We were married 4 months after the official engagement.

How old is he? 27-in case you didn't know- I'm older by almost two years.

Who said I love you first? I honestly don't remember. It was probably in an email, though.

Who kissed who first? It was definitely a mutual initiation of a first kiss.

Who asked out who first? We were hanging out with friends at my house one night and as he purposefully lingered long enough to be the last one out the door- I said "you know, you can call me sometime"...and he did. Our first official date was on September 11th, 2001. Yep, pretty memorable, huh? We had each spent the day watching the news (especially me, since my sister was in town from New York and her husband was still there). Brandon was living in Provo and I was in Salt Lake. He asked me if I still wanted him to come up for the date. I said yes, because I was tired of watching the terrible images on TV. So, we got some food and had a car picnic at the drive in. The movie was Rush Hour 2, nothing romantic. But it was a first date we'll both always remember.

Who proposed?
We talked a lot about it and had already decided that we wanted to be married as soon as school was out. One night in January I told my parents that I was going to marry Brandon and I realized that we needed to pick a date if we were going to get all the plans in order in time, especially an appointment at the Salt Lake Temple for May. So, I called him and said "hey, we need to pick a date". So, we took out our calendars and the date was set. We were engaged. We started telling people right away. It wasn't until two months later that he gave me the ring he had designed for me and did the whole kneel down thing. But, I think by then- the invitations were almost in the mail! So...you figure it out.

Who eats more? I usually do. I know, sad. I think it's just because he's a picky eater. But, Brandon can eat way more pizza than I can for sure.

Who is taller? Brandon is taller than I am, but we're both on the short end of things. We've noticed that Elly is taking after her parents, too. I know, shocker!

Who is smarter? The obvious answer is Brandon...4.0 in school, academic scholarships to college, attractive business school candidate. But, there are many times when I will come up with something he just hasn't thought of. And he often asks me if 'this shirt goes with these pants', that's fashion smarts, right?

Who does laundry? I do 90% of the laundry. Brandon will throw in a load here and there if he's desperate for clean clothes and I'm a total bum and haven't done it in a while. But, when we were in school- he did it every week, no fail without complaining at all.

Who does the dishes?
I do most of the dishes, but he usually clears the dinner table and loads them into the dishwasher. If it has dirty dishes in it- he always puts his dishes into the dishwasher. I always run it and empty it, though. I don't mind. But again, when we were in school and didn't even have a dishwasher, Brandon did them, mostly.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Which side is the right side? When we are in the bed or looking at it? It doesn't matter, because we switch off. Usually we change with a move to a new house or apartment.

Who pays the bills? Brandon does. Because even if I offered to pay the bills- he'd still check them all anyway. It really saves time for him to do them.

Who mows the lawn? Brandon does and with our new football field of a back yard- he's really got it rough. Last week he said it was like lawn care hell, he kept mowing and mowing and the part that wasn't cut didn't get any smaller!

Who cooks dinner?
I cook dinner during the week. But, every Saturday, mostly, we get a Trader's Pizza and he cooks it on the grill. He also cuts it, serves it, and puts the extra pieces away in the fridge for later.

Who drives when you are together?
He does. But, if we're going somewhere that will make me car sick- I drive.

Who is more stubborn?
Um, he is?

Who is cleaner? Brandon by far. Sometimes I wonder what our house would look like if he was the one staying home all day and I was the one working elsewhere. You can tell by our night tables. His has two books, a magazine and the alarm clock on it. Mine has any number of cups of water, a pad of paper, like 4 books, some pills, a couple of pens, the baby monitor, and the remotes (one for the TV and one for the DVD player).

Who has more siblings?
Brandon, by one. He has two brothers and two sisters. I only have one brother and two sisters. But, we are both the third child in the family.

Who wears the pants in the family? I don't think we really have any pants-wearing in our family. Nobody really lays down the law. But there are some things I am more particular about and things he is.

Whose parents do you see more often? Brandon's, since we live only 20 minutes away from them. But, my parents are giving them a run for their money, flying to Visalia about every 6 weeks. Now that Brandon's parents are in the middle of tax season (they own and run an accounting office) it will be close!

Who has more friends?
I think I have him beat there, but he sees his friends more often since most of them work with him. I think a good test would be to compare our email contacts lists.

I tag Madelyn, Chelsea, Lorile and Amy. (Feel free to edit the questions, these were the ones I was sent. We just want to hear about you and your husband.)


Laura Lee said...

Cute stories even if it is a bit lame to answer. This one is the first I answered also. I at least thought the questions were something people would really read at least!

Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

Aww very sweet. Not cheesy at all learning more about you and your dh's history together. :)

Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Good answers Lacy. It was fun to read because it sounded like such an accurate description of my brother. Plus, it was fun to learn a bit more about your courtship. No surprise that Brandon has never told me many details. Love you guys. And love the Warren G post, too. That cracked me up.