August 11, 2007

My husband is cooler than me even as an M&M!

Inspired by my sister's post about becoming simpson's characters, I decided to post the results of our becoming M&Ms. I always knew that I was getting a good deal when I married Brandon, because even as an M&M, he rocks!

Don't you love his "Optimus Prime Arms"?

A little explanation: my arms and legs are blue because I thought it looked like I wasn't wearing pants if I made them flesh colored. Brandon thinks my hair is bad in that bun, but if you saw the other options, you'd agree that was the best one to fit my hair. Besides, I seriously do put it up in a bun (minus the chopsticks) every day cause of "little grabby hands". I'm carrying a camera for obvious reasons and I'm wearing running shoes because of my daily Stroller Strides obsession, of course!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yeah, Brandon is pretty cool, but is he really that angry? That M&M looks a little mean for him.