August 9, 2010

Elly Quotes

...after I told her she couldn't do something...

Elly: My mom said I could.

Me: (with a surprised/confused face) I'm your mom.

Elly: I mean my REAL mom.

Me: (even more surprise) Oh. Who is your real mom?

Elly: Carly (my cousin, mother of "Baby Sadie", Elly's favorite 2nd cousin).

Me: Oh. And who is your real dad?

Elly: Brandon...wait...I mean Daniel (Carly's husband that Elly adores).

So, you guys, we'll be bringing her home in a couple hours. Hope you're ready for TWO kids!


Briawna said...

That's hilarious, especially since Carly might just let her do whatever she wants. When Daniel & Carly came over with my sister before they all had kids, my kids were wired the whole time. Portia said "Carly's my favorite princess". Tell them we say hi.

Carly said...

Bring her over! I'll put her to work! Daniel and I both laughed about this. A lot.