November 9, 2007

Meal Time

Elly has started a new phase of her life: the phase where she only wants to eat what we are eating and in the exact way from the exact source. She's been hinting at this for some time, pointing to what we have and grunting. But, it wasn't until a few weeks ago that she became really passionate about it. She now screams and makes a teeth gritting face when we don't let her have our food. I've started giving her baby food as a snack because there's no way she's eating baby food at the table, when we're having chicken and rice, or tacos, or pizza.

This picture is what happened when I tried to cut an apple into bite-sized pieces for her (that was unacceptable):

This is what happened the first time I let her feed herself some mixed cereal (I finally gave in to the teeth gritting). She abandoned the spoon after a few minutes:

She's a lot better at it now:


Rachel said...

That's pretty funny. Noelle is getting pretty good with a utinsil, however she has now graduated from sippy cups to regular dinner glass. She sees ours and wants our water and yells "mine!" - So now like you, we just give in and give her a glass of water. Usually makes clean up just that much harder.

Anna said...

She has the cutest eyes ever in those pictures! Her long eye lashes are adorable! The feeding thing is getting tough for us now too...not fun!

Kristin said...

That is so cute. I love the cereal one!!

Felisa said...

Hi Lacy,

You don't know me but I came across your blog on the website. I apologize for contacting you through your blog comments. It was the only point of contact I could see for you.

This may sound crazy but the reason I'm contacting you is that I am looking for someone who has lived in Moldova and also understands a little Romanian. I have a friend who lives in Chisinau who I am wanting to share the gospel with. I just have a few questions about the country and the LDS church in that area. I'm also seeking some advice regarding mailing packages from the US to Moldova. Just some info that I have not been able to find answers for online. Anyway, if you would maybe be willing to email me and let me possibly ask you a few questions like that I would appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

My email address is

Thank you so much!

P.S. I LOVE your blog header!

Felisa said...

Hi again. The comment font made my email address a little hard to read.

It's "o u t t a e c @ y a h o o . c o m" minus all the spaces. :)

Thanks Again!

klt9976 said...

lacy! I randomly ran into your mom today at Target. :-) Tell your elly Happy Birthday for me!