November 1, 2007

The Bunny

Even though it's the day after Halloween, I took some pictures of Elly in her first costume, the Bunny. See how hard it was for me to decide what she was going to be this year?
For the parties we went to last weekend, Elly was really good, she sat super still while I put eyeliner on her nose and cheeks. But, today was a different story; maybe she knew what was coming this time. This was the best I could do:

Elly was so tired this morning, you can tell she's ready for a nap:

Every time we go to the park, she wants to swing. She absolutely loves it. (Even when you are a bunny the day after Halloween and all the people at the park think your mom mixed up her days, you want to swing.) She was still so tired, she couldn't hold up her head.


Anna said...

Oh man! She's so so so adorable! How does she just get cuter and cuter? I thought only Little Lincoln could do that! :)

Chelsea said...

your header looks great!

Rachel said...

I can't help but laugh at the fact that you dressed her up with the make-up and all the day after Halloween, then to add insult to injury took her to the park and took her picture. I love you!

KK said...

it's okay, most people at the park probably didn't think you were crazy and mixed up your days. they probably thought you just left your baby in her (hot)halloween costume all night without even bothering to wash her face off, and then were so obsessed with your own workout the next morning you didn't take the time to change her clothes before heading out. lost of moms probably did this... :)