April 2, 2008

A Rock Legend in the Making...

I'm talking about Elly, not Brandon (although, that it his dream). We bought Rock Band a few weeks ago and have been playing it occasionally when Elly goes to sleep, but seeing that fake drum set more than sparked her interest. This video is honestly from the very first time she picked up the sticks one afternoon with Brandon. She has been asking for "Dums" ever since. Look at how she totally rocks out!


Erica said...

So funny! What a rocker!

Adrianne said...

very cute! But the best part wasy lacy trying to talk through her laughing/crying! love it!!

Ritch in Love said...

Rock on Elly!

Marti said...

Hey Lacy! Katie told me about your blog and I've just been looking through it. SO cute! Your little girl is just adorable. Looks like things are going really well for you.