December 23, 2011

Elly Quotes - Santa and Fire

At the dinner table tonight...

Elly (looking at our fireplace):  How will Santa come out of our fireplace?  It has a cover on it.

Lacy:  He's magic.  He can just come through.

Elly:  Oh.  The cover is there so the fire doesn't come in our house and ruin everything right?

Brandon:  That's right.  Fire is very dangerous.  But it's also very useful.  Do you know what useful means?

Elly:  It means something you can use.

Brandon (super proud):  That's right!  That's exactly right!  We can use fire for lots of things.  Can you think of some uses for fire?

Elly:  Candles on birthday cakes.

Brandon:  Yup.  That's one.  What else?

Elly:  Uhhhh...I don't know.

Brandon:  What do we do with fire in the backyard.

Elly:  Oh!  Roast marshmallows!

(We discussed some of the more practical uses of fire as well, but none seemed as interesting or important as those relating to sweets and treats.)

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