June 5, 2011

Rainbows - Part 3: The Final Chapter in the Rainbows Trilogy

Since last year, Elly has been hunting for a rainbow.  Several friends sent her photos of rainbows, and I snapped a shot earlier this year in Part 2 of our rainbow saga.  Despite our efforts, we just had no luck spotting a real one...until yesterday.

As is the case with many other stories of dreams coming true and wishes being fulfilled, our tale unfolds at the magical place we call In 'N Out, which (as you can see below) sits just across from the Burlington Coat Factory.  And the best part of the whole thing is that Elly was the first to see this rainbow, as we sat waiting for our food and looking out the windows.  She was SOOO excited, shouting, "Mom!  Dad!  Look!  There's a rainbow!"  We immediately ran outside and quickly snapped these photos before the moment slipped away.

In other good news, our butterflies emerged from their cocoons yesterday (or as Elly has learned to call them - chrysalises).  But more on that learning adventure in another post...

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