October 18, 2010

Elly and Ava Playing "Haircut"

Our good friends The Greens live in Las Vegas, and we stopped and stayed a couple of nights with them on our way to California over the summer.  Their adorable little girl, Ava, and Elly are only a few months apart and are pretty much best friends - or would be if we saw each other more often.

Here's a little clip of them playing "Haircut".  Well, Elly's playing anyway.  I think about half way through this video Ava is ready to be done, but once Elly finds a playmate, she doesn't let her go easily.


the harrisons said...

she cracks me up! she knows what she wants and nothing stops her :)

Anne said...

i can't even handle this video. elly needs to be bottled up and sold...you would be millionaires.