February 21, 2010

1 Week

I decided to take pictures of Miles each week to see his growth. I also did this with Elly and I am taking them on the same blanket. Many people have said that Miles looks like Elly and they definitely have similar features. But, I think they look quite different. It's an easy guess which one is which:

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They are similar in newborn behavior so far, though. Miles is a really good baby. He sleeps well and eats well. He'll go 4 hours in between feedings just like Elly did. She even went longer, I think because she was bigger. Miles had a doctor's appointment when he was 7 days old and he was back to his birth weight- 8lbs. 3 oz. Elly was a whopping 9lbs. 5 oz. Even though it's only a pound, they feel different to me. I think it's their different body types also. Elly was super squishy and round. Miles is more lean and muscle-y. Elly's legs were rolley and chubby. Miles' legs are thin and toned (from all that kicking of my insides!).

All in all, we are so thrilled to have Miles with us now. He makes us super happy even in that tiny do-nothing-but-sleep newborn phase. Elly is adjusting better and better each day. Maybe, just maybe, someday she'll be back to the angel three-year-old that she was before he was born.

The weirdest thing about having Miles is that now...we have KIDS! Plural.


Brookel said...

i thought the same thing about eden being squishy and cohen being muscley, he now looks like he would be a little squishy but he's so solid. he's a cutey, and it is so crazy having two! four feels so much bigger than three, even though it's a tiny addition. :)

Brookel said...

i wasn't just talking about my kids the whole time, i was calling miles a cutie, i hope to meet him someday, hopefully at your mom's house! :)we will definitely have to see you if you're still in ut when we come up for our reunions.

Peggy said...

Miles is a BEAUTIFUL little guy! Congratulations!

Lolo said...

congrats to you guys! he is so cute. fun times for you all. and elly is so super cute too. hope he figures out the sleeping soon and that you are feeling well! and graduation is right around the corner! wow!